Baby Screaming It’s Head Off in the Middle Of The Night and Ruining My life Pie- A Gluten Free Cheesecake Recipe Inspired By Waitress

So I finally bit the bullet and decided to see what the fuss was about with the 2007 film, Waitress, starring the fabulous Keri Russell and Nathan Fillion. And.....HOOOOOLY SHIZNIT I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! Not only was it a feast for the eyes, it was also a feast for the soul. I loved watching a… Continue reading Baby Screaming It’s Head Off in the Middle Of The Night and Ruining My life Pie- A Gluten Free Cheesecake Recipe Inspired By Waitress

Books and Bites: Bruce Bogtrotter’s Cake

“That was not the boy’s cake! You don’t think for one minute I’m going to eat the filth I give to you? That cake was made from real butter and real cream! And he, that robber-bandit, that safe-cracker, that highwayman standing over there with his socks around his ankles stole it and ate it!” Roald… Continue reading Books and Bites: Bruce Bogtrotter’s Cake

Books And Bites: Nina Zenik’s Waffles

  "I am grateful that you're alive", he said. "I am grateful that you're beside me. I am grateful that you're eating." She rested her head on his shoulder. "You're better than waffles, Matthias Helvar." A small smile curled the Fjerdan's lips. "Let's not say things we don't mean, my love." -Leigh Bardugo (Crooked Kingdom)… Continue reading Books And Bites: Nina Zenik’s Waffles