The One When I Introduce Myself

I like to write. I love the feeling of scratching a pen on paper and tapping my keyboard in order to take myself back into the worlds I create.

But, I am getting ahead of myself. I tend to do that a lot, as you soon shall find.

My name is Viktoria Bradley. And no before you ask, that isn’t a typo. My name has the German spelling, which means that I am doomed to have people misspelling my name for all time. I am absolutely okay with that. You learn to take these things easier as you get older. That is all a part of growing up isn’t it?

A few things about me:

-I am a voracious reader and I have been like that for most of my life. I read just about anything in front of me. Gothic, fantasy, horror, young adult, and historical fiction being some of my favourites.

-I think that if I were a Disney character I think I would be a mix of Belle and Basil. I’m , as I said, a reader, I consider myself to be quite intelligent, I’m slightly eccentric, and I have a love of solving puzzles and riddles.

-I loooooove tea and scones!

-I want to become a historian. I am at my happiest when I am surrounded by old things.

-I love to travel. Next year I plan to go to London!!!! Wooo hooo!

That is just about all I can think of now. So I guess this is goodbye for now.

All my love,




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