The One When I Discuss Self Care

Today is World Mental Health Day. I didn’t know that until this morning but I do think that it is important to discuss mental health and specifically the things we can do to increase awareness.

I have anxiety. I have known that for a while but I didn’t get a formal diagnosis until recently. If I am being totally honest, I think that now that I have been diagnosed, I feel a bit more free. Now, I know what you’re thinking, how is it freeing when I have something that could make my life really hard?

I think it is freeing because it actually validates the fact that I have an illness and I need to treat it. With my migraines I treat them with vitamins. With my anxiety, I just need to work at finding ways to alleviate my symptoms for most of the time. I know that it will most likely never truly go away, so one of the things I do is self-care.

So what exactly is self-care?

Self-care, in my definition, is the practice of looking after yourself so you can be the best version of you.

When I first got my diagnosis, I tried to spot triggers in my everyday life. For me I recognize that caffeine and alcohol make my symptoms worse, so now I try to avoid those two to the best of my abilities. So no coke and Bacardi or pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks for me. (Even if I really want one after a gruelling rehearsal)

My idea is that in order for me to be better, I need to treat myself like a child. Think of it like this, what do you do when you care for a child? You probably give it healthy food, lots of baths, fresh clothes, and an early bedtime. Maybe you would take that child out in the fresh air? Or perhaps you would let it watch some of its favourite films? Or read it a book!

You are probably getting the gist of it now. Self-care is about taking the time to increase your overall health. Be that through taking long, luxurious baths, reading a favourite book, or cooking yourself a delicious meal. You do what is right for you!

All my love,


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