Gardens, and Pirates, and Princes! Oh My!

It is not secret that I love to read. My Instagram feed is generally filled with books and food that I’ve made. But I also happen to be a big movie and television fan! I love to watch films, study the theory behind them, and learn what really goes on behind the scenes. As such, I have culminated a list of the books, films, and television series that I think lots of people will enjoy. AS such these are my own preferences and you are free to have your own. I will not split up my choices into categories that are just films, movies, and books. I’m going to split them into genres. No that that spiel is done I shall go into the list.

Section One: Children’s Stories.

I think like all stories the best things you can read and watch start at the beginning. I still enjoy children’s books and films immensely. (TV series less so) I will give titles and go into more depth with why I like the story, and if it has an adaptation that I like I will add that in as well. Not everything I enjoyed as a kid made it onto my list and that is okay.

Matilda- When I was a kid I watched the 1996 Danny DeVito film adaptation of Roald Dahl’s classic story, Matilda, many a time. I probably enjoyed it more than the Tim Burton adaptation of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. Although it actually wasn’t until I was in my early teens though that I actually read the book! I thought it was brilliant. The way Roald Dahl writes is still funny and heartwarming years after it was written. Matilda is just a relatable and fun character to read and watch. Ms. Honey, like her name, is just as sweet if not timid. And for good reason! Reading it as a teenager helped me to actually see a bit more into Ms. Honey’s life before she moved into the cottage and started teaching. At the end of this month actually I will be making my own adult version of Bruce Bogtrotter’s cake for a blogpost….and my birthday, so I think that shows just how much this story has really stuck with me.

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The Secret Garden- I was about seven years old when I received my first copy of the Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett and since then I have been in love with it. I love this story about a girl and her cousin who become alive gradually over the course of the book, bringing a garden back along with them. (Yes the secret garden.) I have read it time and time again, over and over, and yet I still love it. (I even bought another copy since I like it so much) The 1993 film directed by Agnieszka Holland is also a favourite of mine, with its whimsical cinematography, its colour palette, the breathtaking sets, you can see why I’m so attracted to it. Its well acted with just the right amount of drama. Maggie Smith is an excellent Mrs. Medlock and I will not believe anything else. When I’m sick or feeling rather down this book and film help bring me back to life, just like Mary.

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Treasure Planet- This one is by far the most underrated Disney film of all time. OF ALL TIME! I do not kid. I love it and all of it’s steampunk gloriousness. The emotions, the animation, the score, the story, they are just all of the greatest quality. You can really see how much love went into making it. As a kid I loved pirate movies and this is one of those that really stuck with me. (Sorry Peter Pan I love you but you didn’t make the list., I hope we can still be friends) As a kid with a dad in the military I actually really connected with Jim. I didn’t exactly see Jim’s dad’s departure as something really bad, I thought that much like my dad he was going off to help others. Only unlike my dad, he didn’t come back. That’s just how I read it as a kid and not how I read it now. (Jim’s dad is not cool, my dad however is very cool) I did also see my mum in Sarah, Jim’s mother as well. Anyways I just think that this film really stuck with me on a deep level. Every time I hear ‘I’m Still Here’ I am brought back to a time where I would sit with my siblings and watch stories unfold. That said I do NOT like B.E.N. Not in the least. He is probably the most annoying thing next to Jar Jar Binks and Minions. (But that’s just my opinion)

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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang- This movie guys. This movie is a wild ride. I don’t put that lightly. The music is great and it keeps you engaged. But really its the story that pulls you in. At first you think, “Oh this is just going to be a regular heartwarming musical, kid film.” But oh no. Oh no it is much more than that. When it gets to the weird stuff, hold on to your hats! Because now we have childcatchers, that villain from Goldfinger, and living rag dolls! It’ll all make sense in the end. But if you like Dick Van Dyke, great and catchy music, James Bond (Its based off of a book of the same name by Ian Fleming, who ACTUALLY wrote James Bond!), and crazy hijinks, you will love this film. Plus the script was written by Roald Dahl. And you know my love for Roald Dahl.

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Section Two: Mystery

Ah yes mystery. The one thing that I always go back to when I want something to really sink my teeth into. I first was introduced to the mystery genre by the Tintin series but I never really saw it as such although now I do realise they do classify as a mystery in their own way. But when I was around 12 I was very sick and my dad was like “Hey Vik! You’ll like this!” and that was when I was introduced to Sherlock Holmes. Since then mysteries, true crime, and forensics have fascinated me. In this section I will talk about some more unknown shows, books, and *gasps* even a podcast. I mean I love Sherlock Holmes but everybody knows him, I used to actually carry around a collected selection of his stories, that is until my teacher thought I was carrying around the Bible. But anyways onwards we go!

Lucifer- This TV series is based off the Sandman Comics and the spinoff, with the main character being the King of Hell himself, Lucifer Morningstar. The premise is this: Lucifer gets bored and decides to relocate to Los Angeles where he helps dole out punishment to those who have sinned. Which basically means he’s a consultant for the LAPD. Its a police procedural but its a lot more fun, with all the supernatural elements. Its also very funny. The most recent episode had me in stitches! You can tell Tom Ellis is having fun playing Lucifer, and it shows. I do say though the romantic subplots really tend to annoy me at times and certain characters do pull on my nerves. But I still do enjoy watching it because it is a lot of fun still and the crimes are very interesting at times. It isn’t for everyone but if you’re still watching police serials on television networks do check this one out.

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Babylon Berlin- I’m a history nerd. That’s just the way I am. So when I heard that this German television series was on Netflix, I had to check it out. The story follows a young police inspector named Gereon Rath in Weimar Era Germany. Its a very fascinating show, it pulls you at twists and turns that you don’t expect. Just when you think you know what’s going on, you find that it just wasn’t the case. Its cool to see an era that isn’t really talked about in fiction and how it was like. You get to see parts that you don’t really see in period dramas. What I mean by that I will not say because that would spoil it but I really suggest watching this if you liked something like Peaky Blinders. Just don’t listen to the dubbed version. I know subtitles can be hard to deal with at times but it is much better than the dub let me tell you.

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The Shades Of London Series and Truly Devious Series By Maureen Johnson:

We all have those series that stick with us. Mine just so happens to be the Shades of London Series. Now I know I put two different series into the same part but I think both are equally great. Maureen really understands how to formulate a mystery and still create memorable storylines and characters. I thought I would put them into the same section and just give my thoughts on them.

The Shades of London series revolves around a girl named Rory. After she has a near death experience she finds that she can see things nobody else can, and that includes the person who may be recreating the Ripper killings in London. With the help of a group of mysterious individuals she must solve who is behind it. The setting is phenomenal. If you like Harry Potter I think you would like this and the next series. Its a lot of fun while also being informative and even, quite spooky. This one is more on the paranormal side I will tell you. The first book is ‘The Name of The Star’ if you are interested.

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Now there is only one book in the Truly Devious series but OH MYYYYY it is a good one. The story is set at this boarding school in Vermont called Ellingham Academy. Back in the 1930’s basically the founder’s daughter, his wife, and a student disappeared and all that was left was a Sherlock Holmes novel and a letter by someone calling themselves Truly Devious. Fast forward to the present and a young girl named Stevie, a true crime aficionado begins attending the school and makes it her project to solve the decades long cold case when another student is murdered, and it looks like Truly Devious is the one who did it. Doe that interest you? Good! I think the premise is interesting and well executed. Stevie is like a female Sherlock Holmes and I am LIVING FOR IT! But seriously do check out this series. The characters and setting are really well developed and interesting, I truly do think this series will be quite popular very soon.

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And That’s Why We Drink Podcast- I know I said I would talk about films, TV, and Books but this podcast series is awesome. The premise is this, two girls sit down and tell two stories, one being paranormal and the other being true crime. Em and Christine are fantastically funny storytellers which says a lot about them. They do focus on hard topics a lot and yet they still can see the light in life. Its very well researched but still funny. They talk about a lot of things like what its like to work at Nickelodeon, dogs *cough cough* Baby Gio, and Sugarbush the Squirrel. (Look that up by the way! I was sobbing with laughter once I did) But really if you’re interested in true crime stories, milkshakes, professional clowning, wine, and ghosts, go check out this podcast.

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Stalking Jack the Ripper Series By Kerri Maniscalco- I think you guys are beginning to see a trend. I like fiction stories built out of true crime. And this is no exception! Stalking Jack the Ripper focusses on a young girl in the Victorian Era named Audrey Rose Wadsworth. Unlike most girls of her era, she is fascinated by the macabre and is secretly studying forensic medicine. When the Ripper killings begin occurring, Audrey takes matters into her own hands and begins her own investigation with the help of a handsome if not infuriating young man. (I like him though don’t get me wrong. Thomas is awesome) I love these books. They are a ton of fun to read, mixing both history and gothic literature into a fun ride. I say if you like Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, and Frankenstein, do check out these books.

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Section Three: Comedy

I don’t think its surprising that I’m not really a comedy person. That said even my cynical self needs a laugh from time to time. These are the things that make me giggle.

Young Frankenstein- Do you remember Blockbuster? Some might not but I remember going there and to the rental shop down the street quite a bit as a kid. When Blockbuster was closing my dad went and bought this film. He said it was a really good film that he enjoyed as a kid and that he thought I would like it. Spoiler! I did. With its wise cracking humour, the iconic lines spouted out by Gene Wilder and Marty Feldman, it is obvious I would love it. Later on I would introduce it to my friends at sleepovers and at Halloween parties where I dressed as Wednesday Addams. This film is one of the best for a reason and it shows. The premise follows Victor Frankenstein’s grandson, Frederick after he goes to settle his grandfather’s estate. There of course are monsters, violins, and last but not least Mel Brooks cameos. Don’t see him? He made the sound effects for the werewolves and the cat!

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What We Do In the Shadows– This improvised vampire mockumentary follows three vampires as they live together in Wellington, New Zealand. Created and starring Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement this is really a film to experience going in blind really. All I will say is that it’s a lot of fun and it is filled with good lines….and bisquetti.

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Austenland- I wouldn’t be a true book nerd if I didn’t mention this cheesy, lighthearted, romantic comedy. It follows a young woman named Jane with a slight Austen obsession who goes to this place where you can live action role play as your own Austenian character. On the way she falls in love but of course there are hijinks. I love both the book and the film and I believe that it is something to check out if you’re a book nerd or just an Austen fan.

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Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee- If you’re just as big a book nerd as I am, you’ll probably have heard about literary webseries. (Some I will soon recommend) This book is about a young woman who has her own web series adaptation of Anna Karenina called Unlucky Families. It discusses her rise to fame while also dealing with her feelings towards a boy she met on the internet, as she identifies as a romantic asexual. This is a fun read that makes you giggle and cry at times.

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Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Invite Only Casual Dinner Party/ Gala for Friends Potluck (Or Poe Party): This is a literary webseries that will have you in stitches. I watched this as it came out with my little brother and we still love it to this day. The premise is this: Edgar Allan Poe has a dinner party, the guests keep dying, and this whole group of famous authors must solve it. Have you ever thought of how Edgar Allan Poe would deal with a ghost roommate or how Oscar Wilde and George Elliot might get along? Do you like clue? Well then this series by Shipwrecked is the series for you!

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Section Four: Fantasy

I love fantasy novels. I have so many favourites that I can hardly begin to list them so I’ve decided to just give a few.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell- This fantasy ya novel is one of my favourites for so many reasons. The characters and the world are really well developed, the romance is adorable, its very well written, and much more. It is a lot of fun and I think if you’re looking for something to fill your Harry Potter void. This is it. It centres on Simon, a young wizard with a lot of power as he sets off against the Humdrum, while also wrestling his feelings for his roommate Baz. I also suggest Fangirl, which focusses on a girl writing fanfic about the universe Simon and Baz live in.

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A Darker Shade of Magic Series by Victoria Schwab- This is one series that I would highly recommend to anyone. Its full of adventure, rich atmosphere, plot and characters, and superb writing. The story follows Kell, an Antari messenger for Red London. One day a thief named Lila comes into his life along with a mysterious object from the legendary Black London. Together they must return this to where it comes from, while also keeping their lives.

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Six Of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo- I loved the Grisha trilogy but I think there is something meatier and grittier about this spinoff series. In the Barrel, a section of Ketterdam there is a gang called the Crows. One day they are approached with an offer, break into the Ice Court to kidnap Bo Yul-Bayur, a scientist who has created a substance called jurda parem. Together a crew of six misfits set off on an adventure. If you liked ‘The Man From Uncle’ I think you’ll like this.

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The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman- Who doesn’t love Neil Gaiman? The way he writes has this deeply comforting and melodic way of settling a person into a story. I read the Graveyard Book just as I was getting out of high school. It felt like such a fitting moment to read it that it has truly stuck with me. Think of it like this. Its like the Jungle Book but set in a graveyard and instead of being raised by animals the main character is raised by the ghosts of those who were laid to rest there. I would recommend this book for people of every age. It is just beautiful.

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*screeches into the void* I HAVE MADE IT TO THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been working on this for around five hours so when I say my hands are tired I mean it. Thank you guys for reading this and I hope you have enjoyed my thoughts or have at least found something new that catches your eye! If you’d like more of these just let me know!


Photo Credits:

These pictures aren’t mine and I’m going to link those that they belong to.







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